Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Getting Intoduced (To a World Full of Happiness!)

Hello! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Samantha Grace. I am a linguist. A poet. An artist. A lover. A singer. A friend. I have survived things I thought I wouldn’t and have been given the opportunity to help others do the same. I believe there are no wrong doings except the ones you do not learn from.
For what other reasons do we experience hardships than to learn and to share one hell of a good story?
We all have those stories, where, when it happened, you thought it was the worst thing possible, or it was your worst decision ever, or it was the end of the world! But it wasn’t. In fact, things got resolved and not only did you survive, but you became a better person. Perhaps, you even met someone along the way to recovery that you, now, couldn’t imagine living without. Or, timing permitted you to experience something amazing that made up for all the crap you just went through.
The point is that, no matter how intelligent we are, we have NO CLUE what is best for us. Being a prideful person myself, I had a hard time understanding that. But, once you are able to come to terms with that fact, and submit yourself to the higher powers that be (God, Karma, your choice here), you will come to realize that things just fall into place.

I urge you to be open to this possibility, and try it the next time you run into a situation that you desperately want to control. Give it up.. Free your mind of worry. Enjoy the day and all its beauty. You have so much to be Thankful for!

Love & Happiness,


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